Our School

You are very welcome to St Louis Community School. The happy and positive environment in our school ensures that all our students are cherished equally and allowed to develop their own individuality in a comfortable and safe environment. The members of our staff are experienced and focussed on assisting students to develop as secure and happy adults and reach their best potential in their chosen area of study.
Teaching and learning are at the core of what we do in our school. We are innovative and progressive, offering a comprehensive range of subjects and programmes. Junior Cycle, Junior Certificate Schools Programme, Transition Year, Leaving Certificate Applied, Leaving Certificate and Adult Education programmes are all available in our school. We embrace progress, working closely with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment as a framework school for the new Junior Certificate (JCSA). Modern teaching methods are explored in the school through our close relationship with a number of 3rd level Universities. Teachers are encouraged to explore active teaching methodologies and almost half of our teaching staff have participated in the Instructional leadership programme and Active teaching methodology workshops. We were the first pilot school in Mayo for the Droichead Programme which puts us at the leading edge in assisting and developing newly qualified teachers. We are currently one of a small number of schools involved in the review of the Leaving Certificate with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

Students at St. Louis reach the highest standards of academic success as measured by national league tables. It was designated one of the best two non-fee paying schools nationally (Irish Independent and Irish Times 2013). Department of Education inspection reports continually reflect the spirit of volunteerism, innovation and professionalism of the staff. The most recent Whole School Inspection report (December 2012) stated that we aspire to a “centre for excellence”, a comment of which we are rightfully proud. High academic success is furthered by the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities provided by the enthusiastic and motivated staff.
We have comprehensive Special Educational Needs and Pastoral Care programmes to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills and to be active participants in the life of our school.
The school’s modern sports facilities cater for Gaelic football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, indoor football, athletics, table tennis, the performing arts, subject quizzes and much more. Teams from St. Louis are involved in All-Ireland Finals on a yearly basis.
The School cafeteria offers wholesome hot/cold food and drinks at very reasonable prices.
The school provides study time of two hours each evening from 4.15 – 6.15pm, Monday to Thursday, 2-4pm on Friday. There is a study room available in the mornings for students who arrive early to school.
Should have any further questions we would be delighted to help you where we can. Contact details are available by selecting the Contact Us on the home page

- Ms. Marie Flanagan
- Deputy Principal

- Mr. Grahame Cleary
- Deputy Principal